Cancellation policy

It's easy to cancel your Alert Assistance subscription

‍Toterminate your subscription with Alert Assistance, contact us at 1-855-755-1066. After confirming with our customer service department, send your device, in its original box, to the following address:

9494, boulevard Saint-Laurent, bureau 1018
Montréal (Québec)
H2N 1P4

Your monthly payment stops when we receive your device at our offices.

We reserve the right to charge you a fee if the device received shows significant signs of wear, or if it is damaged. Pack the equipment properly so that it is protected during transport. You can use the carrier of your choice, but Canada Post generally works well in Canada. Keep your tracking number to track delivery.

If you have a Go product, be sure to put it on standby before sending it to us:
- Press the HELP button
3 long times - A voice indicates that the device is going to standby
- Confirm by pressing the HELP button for 2 seconds.

‍Return chargesReturning equipment by mail is at your expense, unless you receive a broken or defective device, or are within the trial period.

Alert Assistance products are guaranteed by our satisfaction policy. If you are not satisfied with your subscription, we will refund what you have paid as well as the cost of returning the equipment to us, as long as you are within the first month.