Personal finances

Save big on your Assistance Alert: discover the tax credit!


Aging at home in complete security is ideal for many seniors. To help them, the Quebec government offers the Tax Credit for Expenses Incurred by Seniors to Maintain their Independence, a measure that reimburses essential expenses, such as an Alerte-Assistance subscription.

To qualify for this credit, the senior must live in Quebec and be 70 years of age or older on December 31 of the taxation year in question. What's more, for an expense to be covered, it must have been incurred by the individual or his or her spouse.

"This tax credit is equal to 20% of the total of the following expenses: the purchase, rental and installation of eligible goods (the first $250, however, is not eligible)," states the Revenu Québec website.

The government agency lists the autonomy maintenance expenses covered by the credit. Rental costs for "person-centered remote monitoring" and "GPS personal locator" devices are included in the list.

More specifically, we give the example of an emergency call device such as a "panic button". It should be noted that an elderly person must use these goods in his or her principal residence if he or she wishes to take advantage of the credit.

Alerte-Assistance medical alert devices, with fall detection and GPS location options, fall into the category of property described by Revenu Québec.

The government reimburses the rental costs of Alerte-Assistance products at a rate of 20% of the total disbursed after the first $250. Depending on their subscription, a senior using a device for a year could therefore receive more than $80 thanks to the tax credit.

Visit our website to discover our medical alert devices. Treat yourself to peace of mind!

For full details on the tax credit for expenses incurred by seniors to maintain their independence, click here.

Please note that Revenu Québec has not yet released information on tax returns and tax credits for 2023.